Saturday, January 6, 2018

Revival Brewing You Thirsty? IPA

Beer Name: You Thirsty?
Brewery: Revival Brewing (Cranston, RI)
ABV: 6.5%
How sold: 16 oz tallboy cans; on draft
Where bought: Lincoln Liquors (Billerica, MA)
Price: $11.99 for 4-pack of 16 oz tallboy cans.

Date Canned: July 17, 2017
Date Purchased: August 28, 2017
Date Opened: September 20, 2017
When brewed? Probably a rotating beer.
IBU: 65

What's on the Can/Website: "This brew is our entry into the new era of New England IPAs. Unfiltered, with tons of flaked barley, we’ve added 3 times the Citra, Galaxy, Mosaic, and Azacca hops at flame-out and then dry-hopped it 3 times on top. Is this juicy? Yes. Is there mouthfeel? Yes. Is this overkill? Probably, it’s Revival." Read more here!

Where distributed: As of December 2017, Revival Brewing distributes only within Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Click here to see where!

Appearance (5%): Poured a hazy light orange into a pint glass. Unfiltered. White head; good lacing. 4.5/5

Smell (25%): Very tropical; getting a combination of grapefruit, lychee, peach, and passion fruit. 4.5/5

Taste (40%): Has a slight dank tropical nature to start, perhaps watered down or slightly diluted, then picks up with the grapefruit and passion fruit. 4.25/5

Mouthfeel (10%): Medium-light to medium-bodied, good carbonation. A bit juicy, some dry tongue. 4.25/5

Overall (20%): An excellent to outstanding IPA. Another local Rhode Island brewery that I had not heard of prior to my New England trip, and another delicious New England-style IPA. Again, I bought the entire 4-pack without first tasting it, and a reasonable price for the 4-pack. Shoutout to Lincoln Liquors in Billerica...they have an impressive selection. 4.25/5

Final Weighted Rating: 4.325/5

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