Beer Name: Global Warmer
Brewery: Sixpoint Brewery (Brooklyn, NY)
ABV: 7.0%
How sold: 12 oz. (355 mL) "sleek" cans (usually in 6-pack boxes)
Where bought: Johns Marketplace (Portland, OR)
Price: $1.89 for a 12 oz. single
Date Purchased: January 22, 2016
Date Opened/Drank: January 24, 2016
"Best By" Date: November 3, 2016
When brewed? Rotating/seasonal beer.
IBUs: 70
Where distributed: Sixpoint Brewery ships to several states. Check to see if Sixpoint ships to your area!
What's on the Can/Website: "...How did we end up in this situation? Plenty of blame to go around for sure, but we're going to have to formulate our way out of this mess. Beer climates change, seasons creep, but the liquid must remain cyc. Hey man, it is all about the %*@#ing formulation. Now that's Mad Science." Read more here!
Appearance (5%):
Pours a clear amber into a pint glass with a few millimeters of off-white head. No lacing remains on the glass. 4.25/5Smell (25%): Citrus-grapefruit and pineapple aroma. Hoppy and refreshing with malty notes. 4.5/5
Taste (40%): Refreshing citrus from start to finish, mostly pineapple. Malty flavors about midway through the sip, but they blend almost immaculately. Full of tropical goodness. Mindblown. 4.75/5
Mouthfeel (10%): Medium-light bodied, and carbonated. Bitterness lingers on the tongue a bit more than the Bengali. Still very refreshing. 4.75/5
Overall (20%): An outstanding red ale. It drinks every bit of its 70 IBUs, and I would put this in the IPA category -- more like an India Red Ale. The citrus-bitterness lingers more here than with the Bengali, but in a good way that packs enormous flavor. To me, it was slightly maltier than the Bengali, adding more dimension overall. This is another beer that I would enjoy casually on any given day, and I only wish this was available on a more regular basis. Global Warmer's tropical flavors are on point, and I am a huge fan. Global Warmer may get the nod over Bengali based off flavor and drinkability. Sixpoint hits another mammoth home run here. 4.75/5
Final Weighted Rating: 4.663/5
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