Monday, April 8, 2019

Stormbreaker Brewing Buffalo Smile Hazy Double IPA

Beer Name: Buffalo Smile
Brewery: Stormbreaker Brewing (Portland, OR)
ABV: 8.0%
How sold: 500 ml (16.9 oz) bottles; on draft
Where bought: Belmont Station (Portland, OR)
Price: $7.27 for 22 oz. bottle

Date Purchased: December 22, 2018
Date Drank: December 26, 2018
When brewed? Limited-time beer.
IBUs: 63

What's on the Bottle: "Imagine how a thirsty buffalo would look after sipping this smooth as silk tropical hop oasis. Cascade, Columbus, Ella and Strata in the boil. DDH (double dry hopped) with 4lbs per barrel of Mosaic and Amarillo. There's enough deliciousness to make any buffalo crack a smile."

Hops: Amarillo, Cascade, Columbus, Ella, Mosaic, Strata. 

Where distributed: Stormbreaker Brewing distributes in Oregon and could otherwise be found in the Pacific Northwest.

Appearance (5%): Poured hazy peach-colored into a pint glass. Unfiltered; sediment at the bottom of the bottle. White head, some lacing. 4.25/5

Smell (25%): Abundant tropical citrus and stone fruit. 4.75/5

Taste (40%): Follows the nose; tropical citrus from start to finish. Some malt presence at the start, but it complements wonderfully. Lovely citrus on the aftertaste. 4.75/5

Mouthfeel (10%): Medium-bodied; good carbonation. Very juicy with trace dry tongue. 4.5/5

Overall (20%): An outstanding IPA. Very refreshing for its stated 8% ABV. Stormbreaker continues its run of top-notch hazy IPAs. 4.5/5

Final Weighted Rating: 4.65/5

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