Saturday, September 8, 2018

Stickmen Brewing Socks and Sandals Hazy IPA

Beer Name: Socks and Sandals
Brewery: Stickmen Brewing Company (Lake Oswego, OR; Tualatin, OR)
ABV: 6.3%
How sold: 16 oz tallboy cans; on draft
Where bought: Belmont Station (Portland, OR)
Price: $3.94 for 16 oz tallboy can

Date Canned: February 5, 2018
Date Purchased: February 24, 2018
Date Drank: May 3, 2018
When brewed? Rotating beer.
IBU: 44

What's on the Can: "This hazy IPA has huge peach and tropical fruit hop flavor and aroma. Double dry-hopped with Citra, Summit, Mosaic, and Rakau"

What's on the Website: "This hazy IPA has huge peach and tropical fruit hop flavor and aroma. Double dry-hopped with Citra, Summit, Mosaic, and Rakau and fermented with Imperial's Organic A38 Juice yeast which makes for an incredibly fruity and juicy beer." Read more here!

Where distributed: As of September 2018, Stickmen Brewing distributes likely just within select Oregon counties.

Appearance (5%): Pours hazy golden into a pint glass. Unfiltered, sediment at the bottom of the can. Off-white head, trace lacing. 4.25/5

Smell (25%): Hoppy stone fruit and other tropical notes. 4.25/5

Taste (40%): Fairly assertive hop-forward experience, with good stone fruit and other tropical. Complementing malt. 4/5

Mouthfeel (10%): Medium-bodied, some carbonation. Some dry tongue. 4.25/5

Overall (20%): An awesome IPA. Socks and Sandals was another beer I had at the Tualatin beer bar a while back. It didn't leave as much of a memorable experience that the S.M.A.C. Triple IPA did, but overall this one is a worthy option for hazy IPA science. 4/5

Final Weighted Rating: 4.1/5

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