Friday, July 12, 2024

Sunriver Brewing Bondi Beach Party IPA

Beer Name: Bondi Beach Party
Brewery: Sunriver Brewing (Sunriver, OR)
ABV: 6.4%

How sold: 16 oz tallboy cans; on draft
Where bought: Unknown
Price: Unknown, gift from a friend

Date Canned: January 22, 2024
Date Drank: March 24, 2024
When brewed? Year-round beer.

What's on the Website: "Bondi Beach Party India Pale Ale is an easy-drinking and refreshing IPA.  Dry hopping during active fermentation creates vibrant notes of mango nectar, ripe passionfruit, Strawberry Kush, and lychee blossoms.  Light-bodied and relatively dry, this tropical IPA is your own Bondi beach party in a glass."

Hops: Nugget, Strata, Mosaic, Citra.

  • Gold Medal at 2023 U.S. Open
  • Bronze Medal at 2023 North American Beer Awards
  • Gold Medal at 2023 Oregon Beer Awards
  • Gold Medal from 2023 Sip NW Magazine

Where distributed: Unknown, although Sunriver Brewing beers can be found throughout much of the Pacific Northwest.

Appearance (5%): Poured clear golden into a pint glass. White head and frothy surface, virtually no lacing. 4.5/5

Smell (25%): Pleasing citrus and stone fruit, with complementing dank/hop. 4.75/5

Taste (40%): More dank-hop forward to start. Mostly citrus on the second wave. Predominantly orange peel on the aftertaste. Although octane disappears when the beer warms up, it becomes less flavorful overall to me. 4.25/5

Mouthfeel (10%): Medium-bodied, some carbonation. Juicy with some dry tongue. 4.25/5

Overall (20%): An excellent IPA. In a way, though, it's a slight double whammy situation. Too cold, and the octane is there. Too warm, and the beer doesn't seem as flavor-packed. Either way, because the citrus/orange peel comes in toward the second wave, it remains a big hit in my book. 4.25/5

Final Weighted Rating: 4.388/5

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