Friday, June 14, 2024

Sunriver Brewing Flowable Citra Pilsner

Beer Name: Flowable
Brewery: Sunriver Brewing (Sunriver, OR)
ABV: 5.5%

How sold: 16 oz tallboy cans; on draft
Where bought: Unknown
Price: Unknown, gift from a friend

Date Canned: January 22, 2024
Date Drank: March 16, 2024
When brewed? Limited-time beer.

What's on the Can: "A light and bright modern Pilsner utilizing 100% Citra hops. Distinctly hoppy with notes of grapefruit, passionfruit, and melon."

Where distributed: Unknown, although Sunriver Brewing beers can be found throughout much of the Pacific Northwest.

Appearance (5%): Poured clear golden into a pint glass. White head and frothy surface, but virtually no lacing. 4.5/5

Smell (25%): Pleasing dank, earthy hoppy citrus. 4.75/5

Taste (40%): Smooth, refreshing, crisp Pilsner, with a barrage of hoppy citrus and melon. Returns to a largely Pilsner-like experience toward the back end, with just traces of the Citra hop. 4.75/5

Mouthfeel (10%): Medium-light bodied, some carbonation. Some dry tongue. 4.25/5

Overall (20%): An outstanding to world-class Pilsner. Maybe my preference for IPAs (and namely Citra hops) affects this review, but this is among the best Pilsners I've had. It might just be OK or simply not enjoyable to others' palates, but if  so, send more of this my way as an IPA alternative. Flowable lives up to its name, just a smooth and serene experience. It was hard for me to not drink this too quickly, and I savored every last drop. 4.75/5

Final Weighted Rating: 4.688/5

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