Friday, March 8, 2024

Russian River Happy Hops IPA

Beer Name: Happy Hops
Brewery: Russian River Brewing Co. (Santa Rosa, CA; Windsor, CA)
ABV: 6.5%

How sold: 17.25 oz bottles, on draft
Where bought: Belmont Station (Portland, OR)
Price: $6.99 for 17.25 oz bottle

Date Bottled: August 15, 2023
Date Drank: September 30, 2023
When brewed? Year-round beer.

What's on the Bottle: "Happy Hops was originally brewed by the Grace Brothers Brewery in 1944 in Santa Rosa, CA! We are paying homage to the Grace family, whose brewery closed in the 1960’s, and have revived 'Happy', the charming hop character who graces the front of this label. Happy Hops is an IPA brewed with both new and old world hop varieties, giving this beer bold aromas and flavors with notes of tropical and stone fruits."

Where distributed: Russian River distributes to limited locations. They now distribute bottles to Portland, which they started probably in the past couple years.

Appearance (5%): Poured clear golden into pint glass. White head, virtually no head or lacing. 4.5/5

Smell (25%): Extremely balanced. Mix of sweet citrus and complementing malt. 4.75/5

Taste (40%): Follows the nose. Sweet citrus from start to finish, then into the aftertaste. Clean flavors. Delicious. 5/5

Mouthfeel (10%): Medium-bodied, good carbonation. Sweet tropical lingers in a good way. Some dry tongue. 4.25/5

Overall (20%): A world-class IPA. I've never heard of this one before but had to try it after seeing Belmont Station now gets Russian River bottles. It may have been the long walk and the home projects I worked on all morning, but drinking this beer afterward felt that much more satisfying. Simply put, if you see Russian River Happy Hops on tap or in a bottle, it's a must-try for science. 5/5

Final Weighted Rating: 4.838/5

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