Friday, January 28, 2022

Ex Novo Brewing Myriad Reflector Hazy IPA

Beer Name: Myriad Reflector
Brewery: Ex Novo Brewing (Portland, OR; Corrales, NM)
ABV: 7.2%

How sold: 4-packs of 16 oz. tallboy cans; on draft
Where bought: Unknown
Price: Unknown, gift from a friend

Date Canned: February 19, 2021
Date Drank: June 11, 2021
When brewed? Likely a limited-time or rotational beer.
IBU: "Low"

What's on the Can: "Hazy India Pale Ale with Strata, Sabro, & Amarillo hops."

What's on the Website: "Hazy IPA brewed with Strata, Sabro & Amarillo hops. Fluffy creamy mouthfeel with notes of tropical fruits, disco infernos and Saturday night fevers."

Where distributed: Ex Novo Brewing currently distributes to several areas, including the Portland (OR) Metro, Los Angeles, SW Washington. Japan, and San Francisco Bay Area markets. Ex Novo also has a taproom in Corrales, NM.

Appearance (5%): Poured hazy light orange into a pint glass. Unfiltered, sediment at the bottom of the can. Frothy white head, trace lacing. 4.25/5

Smell (25%): Pleasing tropical stone fruit-melon with complementing dank notes. 4.5/5

Taste (40%): Follows the nose. Tropical stone fruit and melon from start to finish. Second wave and aftertaste includes complementing dank and more citrus. Flavorful and delicious. 4.75/5

Mouthfeel (10%): Medium-bodied, some carbonation. Some creaminess, very juicy. Trace dry tongue. 4.5/5

Overall (20%): An outstanding IPA. Perhaps it was me having this after a long day of yard work, but this one really had that satisfying experience when drinking it. I know I would have enjoyed this one regardless, though. Add this one to the "recommend" list. 4.5/5

Final Weighted Rating: 4.588/5

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